Het zand van de Kalahari 1965

Adventure Crime Drama

After a small aircraft crashes in the Kalahari Desert, one of the seven passengers decides that his survival chances would increase if he would eliminate the other men in the group.

Tutti i titoli
  • UA: Sands of the Kalahari Sands of the Kalahari
  • AT: Die Verdammten der Kalahari Die Verdammten der Kalahari
  • BR: Perdidos no Kalahari Perdidos no Kalahari
  • BG: Пясъците на Калахари Пясъците на Калахари
  • CA: Sands of the Kalahari Sands of the Kalahari
  • DK: Nødlandet i Kalaharis ørken Nødlandet i Kalaharis ørken
  • FI: Kalaharin veriset hiekat Kalaharin veriset hiekat
  • FR: Les sables du Kalahari Les sables du Kalahari
  • GR: Stis ammous tou Kalahari Stis ammous tou Kalahari
  • IT: Le sabbie del Kalahari Le sabbie del Kalahari
  • MX: Arenas de Kalahari Arenas de Kalahari
  • PT: Areias Ardentes do Kalahari Areias Ardentes do Kalahari
  • RO: Nisipurile din Kalahari Nisipurile din Kalahari
  • UA: Пески Калахари Пески Калахари
  • ES: Las arenas de Kalahari Las arenas de Kalahari
  • SE: Kalaharis glödande sand Kalaharis glödande sand
  • TR: Kalahari yolculari Kalahari yolculari
  • UA: Die Verdammten der Kalahari Die Verdammten der Kalahari
Data di rilascio 27 May 1966
Link IMDb
