Abraxas, Guardian of the Universe 1990

Action Sci-Fi

An alien "policeman" arrives on Earth to apprehend a renegade of his own race who impregnates a woman with a potentially destructive mutant embryo.

Tutti i titoli
  • CA: Abraxas, Guardian of the Universe Abraxas, Guardian of the Universe
  • BR: Abraxas - O Guardião do Futuro Abraxas - O Guardião do Futuro
  • FR: Abraxas, gardien de l'univers Abraxas, gardien de l'univers
  • DE: Abraxas - Retter des Universums Abraxas - Retter des Universums
  • MX: Abraxas, el guardián del universo Abraxas, el guardián del universo
  • NP: Zombie 9, Zombies in space Zombie 9, Zombies in space
  • CA: Абраксас: Страж вселенной Абраксас: Страж вселенной
  • ES: Abraxas Abraxas
  • : Abraxas Abraxas
Data di rilascio 01 Mar 1991
Link IMDb
